During this season of Eastertide, we continue to focus on the hope that the resurrection of Jesus brings to our world.
As we continue to remember Belgium, we now need to be remembering Pakistan, as well. It’s heart-breaking to think about our brothers and sisters in Christ celebrating Easter to have been visited by such evil and violence. Many of those killed were children. I saw Eugene Cho, a pastor, write in response, “By the grace of Christ, may we live as Resurrection people in a Good Friday world.” Amen! May we truly live as Resurrection people.
God’s people have lived in a “Good Friday world” for a long time. As we turn toward our new series from the book of Ezekiel, the title is “Hope in Exile.” Even as God’s people lived in exile when Ezekiel was writing, so Christian’s recognize that we live in a kind of exile where Christ’s resurrection has changed everything, yet so much of the world remains the same. We need to do what we can to bring God’s kingdom to our part of the world.
Last week was full and inspiring with the various services leading up to Easter Sunday morning. Our Maundy Thursday service celebrated Christ’s command to love one another with a fellowship meal, then we remembered the institution of the Lord’s Supper. Our evening finished with a Tenebrae service, a service of shadows, as we reflected on the denials and betrayal of Jesus, his arrest, and his crucifixion.
The Good Friday service at Carlock Mennonite service was well attended. The pastor from Carlock Presbyterian, Kathy Mitchell, had a wonderful sermon focused on the forgiveness that Christ offers to us, and which we in turn are to offer to others. On Saturday evening, Bryan Burris, the pastor of the Carlock Christian Church, led a meaningful Easter vigil service.
Thanks to all who helped with our Easter Sunday morning service. From the fellowship time, to those who decorated, to the worship service, and then shared communion service, all that you did is very appreciated! Thanks also to all who invited guests to come to the service! It was nice to see such a good turn out.
Remember that on April 10th, Ervin Stutzman, the Executive Director of the Mennonite Church USA will be here at North Danvers to share with us. He’ll be here to make a presentation during the Sunday School hour at 9am, and then he’ll have time for some Q and A time.
God bless you all during Eastertide!