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From Brokenness to Beauty

Seems like quite a bit going on this time of year. Students and teachers alike are looking forward to the last few days of the school year and then summer vacation. Graduates are celebrating all the hard work they’ve planned. Farmers are busy putting in their last few acres of beans. Summer activities are getting into swing. Travel and vacation plans are being finalized.

Let’s remember the One who has blessed us with the lives that we are blessed to live. We should never take for granted exactly how blessed we are. I’ve mentioned before that so many times it’s easy to dwell on our difficulties and problems. Let’s continue to thank God for what he has done and trust him with our struggles by placing them in his hands.

Yesterday, I ended the sermon by suggesting that only when we place the brokenness of our lives in the hands of the Master can something beautiful be made out of even what has been lost. I think about the lines from the song “Beautiful Things” by Gungor (if you don’t know the song, you can listen to it here):

You make beautiful things.

You make beautiful things out of the dust.

You make beautiful things.

You make beautiful things out of us.

Because God is the Creator of all things, he is able to make us and remake us into what he wants us to be—something beautiful. We must entrust ourselves completely to him.

There’s lots of exciting things coming up at North Danvers. Remember that we WILL be having a light potluck lunch this Sunday after church. Sandwiches will be provided. Just bring a salad or a dessert, if you’d like to. Make sure to plan to enjoy this fellowship.

Rich Bucher will be here June 12th to portray Bishop Joseph Stuckey. You won’t want to miss that. Also, Lowell and Sheri Glick will be here June 26th to present their ministry. We are looking forward to hearing from them.

God bless,


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