Danvers Days 2016
Danvers Days 2016 is now in the books. We had such a beautiful morning for the community worship service on Sunday. There was a good turnout and the Morton Sisters did a lovely job of leading our hearts in worship. It was good to see a good representation from North Danvers. What a fun time to share in the various activities.
With school starting it makes us think about the beginning of our Fall schedule as well. We’ll begin our schedule of 9am Sunday School and 10:10am for our Worship Service beginning September 11th. That’s also the day we are encouraging you to invite a friend! There will be some special music on that day, and we’ll kick-off our Sunday School classes as well. There is Sunday School for all ages! We have flyers which we will be handing out on Sunday for you to use in inviting others to join us.
One other note: this week I’ll be heading to Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary for a class Thursday through Saturday. Terri and I are planning to get the bulletins done on Wednesday, so if there’s anything you’d like to include, it would be good for us to have that by Wednesday morning.
God bless,