Our Common Needs
Yesterday was World Communion Sunday and it was encouraging to share together in this act which is so central to our faith. As I said yesterday, communion is one of the ways that we demonstrate our unity (1 Corinthians 10:16-17). It is also a way that we demonstrate to others that our trust is placed in Jesus Christ who we believe will return in order to make everything right in the world—to restore all things to the way they were intended to be (Acts 3:21). As Paul said, “whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26, NIV 2011).
Another way that we proclaim our trust in Christ is in the way that we care for others who may be having a difficult time. North Danvers has traditionally done a really good job of this. I want to encourage us to continue to seek out opportunities to use the blessings God has given us to serve others. I am imperfectly learning how this happens through our congregation, but I do pray that this is one of the visions that we can accomplish through God’s strength.
I’ll close with a time of confession. I sometimes try to push through and do more than I should. I thought I could handle both teaching Sunday School and preaching yesterday though I was worn out from caring for Josanne’s needs last week and though I had very little sleep from being in the ER with her the night before. I should have asked for more help, or changed things around a bit instead of trying to push through. I particularly want to say I’m sorry for how hoarse my voice was during the sermon yesterday. It was probably painful to listen to. I’ll try to be more careful in the future.
As to Josanne, please continue to pray. She is feeling better this morning, but is far from being completely well. I was supposed to be in Elkhart, Indiana today and tomorrow at AMBS, but I called my instructor and canceled the trip. Josanne is supposed to travel to Houston tomorrow, but I’m guessing she won’t make that trip. Please pray for her healing and strength along with the other prayers that we’ve mentioned. Continue to pray with me for the farmers in the field. Continue to ask for safety, and a good harvest.
We love you all.
God bless, Brian