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God-given Opportunities

We’ve been following Nehemiah as he has been accomplishing the vision that God gave him to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. I’ve been asking us to think about what God’s vision is for us at North Danvers Mennonite Church. I believe God is calling us forward to continue the faithful legacy that has been laid for us. We should continue to think about how God is calling us to be a blessing to the community around us, and the ways he is calling for us to reach out. There are many opportunities that God is preparing us for, and some of you have shared the way that God is placing things on your heart. One of the reasons that God has given us the community of the Church is so that we can help each other discern these promptings and also to encourage us follow where he is leading. We are always better together than we are on our own.

God has worked through our long partnership with Lowell and Sheri Glick. Through their faithful service we have been able to take part in their work in Mexico. I want to remind you that on November 6th after the fellowship time we will be having an initial meeting on taking a trip to Zacatecas to share with them in their work. The purpose of this initial meeting is: 1) to evaluate the amount of interest in a trip, 2) to talk about potential dates that will work for as many people as possible, 3) to discuss some of the preliminary steps that need to be taken to prepare for such a trip. If you are at all interested in this trip, I would encourage you to come to the meeting. If you are unable to attend, please talk to me personally so that I know you are interested. I believe that this trip will be an incredible blessing and an opportunity to share in Lowell and Sheri’s work first-hand.

In regard to mission work, please continue to pray for Haiti as they continue to recover from the hurricane. If you feel led to do something to help, my personal experience is that small missions organizations who have developed on-going working relationships with national leaders are the most effective in seeing aid distributed. The MCC has information on Hurricane Matthew in Haiti here. To see what the MDS is doing regarding damage from Hurricane Matthew in the US, you can go here. I’d be happy to discuss any information regarding other organizations I know personally, if you’d like.

Many of you have received our new directories. There are a few changes and additions to the directory which we have already discovered we need to make. If you see any changes that need to be made, please contact me or Terri at the church office. Also, if you have not received a copy of the directory and would like to, please let us know.

Josanne and I are planning to be in Shipshewana, Indiana this weekend at a pastors and spouses retreat that has been organized by the Central District Conference and Everence. One of my former students, Derek Ried, will be preaching and teaching. Derek works with a missions organization called New Mission Systems International. You’ll be blessed by what Derek has to say.

God bless, Brian

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