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Caring for Our Souls

Josanne and I missed being with the congregation on Sunday, but we enjoyed our time in Shipshewana. We were treated to a very nice weekend by the Central District Conference and Everence thanks to a grant from the Lilly Foundation. We received some good education, and some good food, but we especially enjoyed spending some time with other pastors and their spouses and getting to know them a bit more. We also just enjoyed the slow pace and the rest. Both Josanne and I struggle with getting our identities from what we do, so we don’t often take the time to rest.

As we approach the end of our time in the book of Nehemiah, we will be focusing on what kind of community God wants us to be as we fulfill his purpose for us. It’s not always about doing, but also about taking the time to care for our souls, and to make sure we are in close connection with God. Last week our guest speaker focused upon the importance of God’s Word in our spiritual formation, and next Sunday the focus will be on the importance of confession. It is good for us regularly to take stock of where we stand in the stream of what who we were before Christ, who we have become, and who God is still making us to be.

It’s a beautiful, crisp Fall day. It won’t be long until the leaves begin to fall in earnest, and before you know it Thanksgiving will be here and then the Advent season. Make sure your friends, neighbors, and family members all know they are welcome at North Danvers. This is a great time of year to invite others to come along.

I hope you all are well and I look forward to seeing you Sunday.

God bless,


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