Harvest Mission
The harvest is safely gathered in and we’ve been enjoying some exceptionally beautiful weather for this time of year. In times like this, it is easy to remember the way that God has blessed us. In the sermon yesterday I talked about the importance of giving back to God a portion of his blessings to us. This act of spiritual discipline helps us keep the proper attitude of dependence upon him. It reminds us that our trust is in God rather than in money (Matthew 6:24).
Next week is our Harvest Mission Sunday where the offering will be used to support the mission work of this congregation. We are blessed to have those who are willing to devote themselves full-time to the work of God’s Kingdom—sometimes far away and sometimes closer to home.
Our service will be a little different during Harvest Mission Sunday. Josanne and I will be sharing about our time working on the mission field, and discuss the importance of mission for the local church. Several of you have asked questions about our time on the mission field, so this will give us the opportunity to share some stories, some pictures, and a bit of our heart for the global Church. It is encouraging to think about the way that God works through his people around the world in the continual expansion of his Kingdom.
Speaking of missions, we had a good first meeting of those interested in a Mexico Mission Trip to work with Lowell and Sheri Glick next summer. At this point we are trying to determine which date work best for everyone, so contact me as soon as you can and I’ll fill you in on what has been discussed to this point. As I said to those who came to the meeting yesterday, if you have any interest in going it would be good to pray about it and see if God is leading you to go. I’m very excited about the potential of what God will do with this trip.
Of course this week is the presidential election as well. I’ll share three hopes I have for myself. I hope that I pray about the election at least as much as I talk about it. I hope that I listen to God and spend time in God’s Word at least as much as I listen to the news coverage. I hope that I place my trust fully in God and his kingdom no matter what the election results are. As God’s person, I am committed to praying for the leader of this nation (and others) no matter who those leaders may be (1 Timothy 2:1-4, Romans 13:1-2, 1 Peter 2:13-17).
May God continue to bless us as he leads this congregation forward in his vision for us.
God bless,