Trust like Joseph
Yesterday was a really good day. The young people did such a wonderful job with their program. They portrayed the Christmas story so well. A big thank you to all of those who worked to help them prepare for this special presentation. Thanks to Diana Boschulte for putting it all together, and to Mollie Marvel for helping with the music. Thanks also to Suzanne Schwoerer and Cindy Peasley for helping with the young people.
As we’ve been thinking about the “Nativity Set” this Advent season, the focus has been on what it would have been like for the real people involved to have experienced these marvelous events. Yesterday, the focus was on Joseph. It seems like at Christmas time there is always a bit more focus on Mary than Joseph, but it was interesting for me to think about this marvelous event from his perspective.
I appreciated Betty Zook playing the song, “Joseph’s Lullaby” for the offertory as well. Another song I’d encourage you to listen to sometime this season is Michael Card’s “Joseph’s Song.” You can listen to it through this link: “Joseph’s Song”. One of the lines from this song poignantly captures what Joseph must have felt: “Father, show me where I fit into this plan of yours.” Beyond that, it’s a good question for all of us. When we feel lost we sometimes begin to focus on ourselves, when it might be helpful to consider where all of this fits within God’s plan.
The main point of the sermon yesterday is that Joseph teaches us to trust God deeply, and to obey him even in the midst of difficulty. There are incredible things ahead for our congregation. God has a place for us in his plan. In this beautiful season, it would be good for us to reflect on this and to draw strength from knowing that God has plans for our good.
I hope you’ll invite some friends along for some of the special services. Next week our Advent series will end with a focus on Mary. There’s a special “Make It and Take It” for the ladies on Monday, the 20th. Be sure to sign up for that! Christmas Eve we’ll be having a service at 6:30pm that you won’t want to miss. On Christmas Day we are canceling Sunday School and having a special fellowship time at 9am followed by our worship service at 10:10am. This will give us time immediately following the service to head out and spend with friends and family.
My prayer is the anticipation of the coming of Christ will fill our hearts and minds with joy. Let’s share that joy with others this season.
God bless,