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‘Twas the Day after Christmas

It was a joy to gather together with Church family on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Celebrating the birth of Jesus together with fellow believers was a blessing. I hope that the time spent with friends and family was encouraging to you. As I mentioned yesterday in the sermon, however, the Christmas season is not always one of joy for all of us. The good news is that Jesus was not born into a perfect world, but was born in a real way as a real human into our real world.

That there was no room for Jesus’ birth in the living space. That his life was threatened and that he became a refugee in a foreign land even as a child reminds us that Jesus did not come for those whose life is perfect. Jesus is acquainted with our trials and troubles, and he came so that we might experience his peace.

I encouraged us all to spend some time during this week or two to come to be silent in the presence of God to experience him and his love for us. I want you to hear this clearly: God loves you deeply—not because you deserve it, or even if you don’t feel like it. God loves you and he sees your value. Receiving that could be the greatest gift you’ve ever gotten.

New Years is next Sunday and we’ll be focusing on the way that Jesus Christ came to be the light of the world and gave us the responsibility to carry on that work. Josanne and I will be gone from January 3rd through the 16th to take a trip to Israel. We’ll try to keep in touch to let you know how it’s going, but we look forward to coming back and telling you all about our adventures.

I believe that God will continue to be at work at North Danvers in the year to come, and we look forward to the journey together.

God bless,


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