Reaching Beyond Boundaries
Yesterday in the worship service we looked at the story of Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman in John 4. Jesus provided an example of reaching out across boundaries and showing compassion to someone who needed love. I believe that there are people all around us who are wanting to be shown love. Our challenge is to see other people the way that Jesus sees them. What is especially difficult is to reach across the boundaries that we draw between ourselves and those who are not like us.
It seems like in our world today there are so many different kinds of boundaries. We use all kinds of categories to differentiate between ourselves and others. If we truly want to be “Followers of Christ. . . ” then we need to reach across boundaries in the way that he modeled for us. In the next few weeks, think about those to whom you can reach out in love.
Next week we’ll be looking at John 5 during our worship service. Part of our current series, “Following the Great I AM” is about Jesus’ identity. What does it mean that he is the “I AM.” John 5 is all about a discussion that came about because of Jesus healing someone on the Sabbath day. We will learn about how important it is that Jesus is God himself who has come as a human being like you or me to live in our midst.
I do want to mention the Uno Tournament again. This provides us an opportunity to fellowship with the entire congregation. We’ve chosen Uno intentionally because it’s a game that almost any age can play. One of the “boundaries” we set up sometimes is between youth and adults. The evening of February 19 will be an opportunity for all ages to do something together. It’s also a great, low-key opportunity to invite some of your friends or neighbors to come out. I really hope you’ll make a point to sign up yourself and to bring a few people with you.
Also continue to think about who you need to be inviting to join you at Sunday School or in the Worship Service. Is there someone that you are praying for who does not know the love of Christ? Is there someone to whom you are talking about your Church community? Always be thinking about who you’d like to see join us here.
God bless, Brian