Kickoff Sunday this Week!
Josanne and I were able to spend some family time on this long weekend. Josanne’s aunt in Eastern Kentucky had a birthday, and my Dad turned 94 yesterday. It was nice to get together with family and I hope you were able to have some time to relax with friends and family as well.
Remember that this weekend is our kickoff Sunday! You’ll want to be there, and make sure to invite a friend along! At 9am there will be Sunday School classes for all ages, and then at 10:10am we’ll be having our worship service. The youth will be filling school bags to be sent out and used by children around the world during our worship time. Remember to bring your change for the noisy offering for God’s Little Acre Preschool. The more change, the better!
Our Fall sermon series on the book of Daniel begins Sunday. Daniel is an interesting book that helps us understand a lot about God’s plan. The messages that Daniel teaches us is practical for living as followers of God even when times are difficult. The first sermon will look at the way that we can have influence even in a quiet way.
During Sunday’s sermon I mentioned the book by Craig Groeschel titled The Christian Atheist: When You Believe in God But Live as if He Doesn’t Exist. It’d be a good book to read if you want to be challenged to live in a way that your trust in God can be seen in the way you live.
See you all on Sunday, and again, remember to invite someone to come along!
God bless, Brian