Daniel and Harvest
As I’ve been preparing sermons from the book of Daniel, it’s been challenging me in two different ways. First, because Daniel and his friends are captives in Babylon, it challenges me to think about the ways in which following God calls me to live differently than I am sometimes encouraged to by the culture in which I live. Secondly, the deep trust in God that is demonstrated by Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is a challenge for me to trust God even in difficult circumstances.
Harvest has begun as well. Let’s join together in praying for the safety of the farmers and farm workers from our congregation and our community. We also pray for God to provide through an abundant harvest.
We had a meeting yesterday for those interested in our trip to Israel next year from May 31 to June 12. If you weren’t able to make the meeting, there are brochures available to pick up in the fellowship hall if you’d like more information. You can also feel free to speak to Josanne or me if you have questions about the trip.
Hope to see you Sunday! Be sure to invite a friend.
God bless, Brian