God’s Timing
In the adult Sunday School class, we are going through the book of Ecclesiastes for a few weeks. Yesterday morning we were looking at that well-known poem at the beginning of chapter 3. It begins, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, NIV 2011). The author then details a list of fourteen contrasts. “There’s a time to be born and a time to die,” for example.
After this list of contrasts that sum up the experience of our lives, the author says this: “(God) has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end” (Ecclesiastes 3:11, NIV 2011). As I prepared this lesson it occurred to me that if we could embrace this truth it would bring us so much peace. “God has made everything beautiful in its time.” Yet we race forward trying to hurry to the next thing, or trying to get out of the current situation we find ourselves in. What if we could see the beauty that God has made of where we are right now—today?
I want to challenge you (and me) to take some time today to think about where God has placed us right now and to give thanks. Let’s look for the beauty of where we are and who we are around. When we look back at the “good ol’ days,” we are missing the people we were around and the time we had. Remember that today is tomorrow’s “good ol’ days.”
There are several great things coming up at NDMC. First, we’ll be resuming our Last Sunday Potluck on September 30th. That’s in a couple of weeks!
October 7th we’ll be having a special missions speaker during our Adult Sunday School. Beth Miller and Neil Richer, missionaries to Colombia, will be here to present their work. Beth is the granddaughter of Imogene Miller.
Also on October 7th we’ll be having our All-Church Weiner Roast at the Hubbard’s.
On October 14th we’ll be having another special Adult Sunday School with Jed Metzger. Jed is going to give us information on our giving and the new tax laws. This should be a helpful and informative time.
Make sure to keep inviting your friends and neighbors to come for worship and fellowship!
God bless,