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Fall Reflections

Last week we made the transition from Summer to Fall on the calendar. This morning as I write there is a fresh crispness to the air that feels like Fall also. The farmers are busy in the fields bringing in the harvest. The fields are going from having tall standing corn or shorter beans to looking like they’ve had a shearing. Pumpkins and mums are starting to decorate front porches. Fall is my favorite season of the year.

It’s also the time of year that things begin to wind back up at North Danvers. Students are back in school and summer vacations are past. It’s a good time to remind you again to make sure that you are inviting your friends, neighbors, and family to come worship with us.

During the worship service yesterday, we continued to look at 2 Corinthians. There were read, “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:18, NIV 1984). I talked about the importance of our reflecting Jesus. We might have all kinds of ideas about what we need or don’t need at our church building, or we might have ideas about what kind of worship songs or style would be most attractive. I really believe that people will find meaning in their lives only through a relationship with Jesus. So what we really need to do is to reflect Jesus as we are being transformed into his image. We need to show people Jesus.

Next Sunday we will be resuming our last Sunday potlucks after the worship service. This is always a great time of fellowship and sharing with one another.

The following Sunday, October 7th is going to be a busy time also. We’ll be having special guests during the Sunday School hour. Beth Miller (Imogene’s granddaughter) and her husband, Neil Richer, will be speaking. In the afternoon we’ll be having an All-Church Weiner Roast. This would be a great event to invite your friends and neighbors to as well.

October 14th we will have another special speaker in Sunday School. Our own Jed Metzger will be sharing his expertise with the changes in the tax law. He’ll especially be focusing on what we need to know in regard to the way we give and how we can be good stewards of the money God has blessed us with.

If you weren’t in services yesterday, you need to know that we are changing the locks at the Church building this week. It’s been a long time since this has been done. One of the reasons we are doing this is for the purpose of safety. Our new locks will all be ones that are easy to exit in the case of an emergency, so even young people will be able to quickly and safely exit. If you need a new key, you can either stop by the office during normal hours this week, or you can plan on picking one up after the worship service in the next few weeks.

Hope to see you all soon!

God bless,


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