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Seedtime and Harvest

Fall is my favorite time of year, even if it gets too cold too quickly. I love the way the harvest is a reminder of God’s promise to provide for us. Part of the Scripture we shared together yesterday says, “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8, NIV 2011). As you look at the harvested fields, and the grain trucks and wagons, and the elevators full of grain, think about the way we are promised that that God will provide for our needs.

It’s been encouraging to see the work going into putting the new lift in. Things are all in place and we simply need the inspection from the State of Illinois for us to use it next weekend. It was a neat change for us to meet together in the Fellowship Hall. As always, it is a blessing to gather together for worship.

Next week we are beginning a new study in the Adult Sunday School class. We will be working through a challenging book on prayer called The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. This book will help us to grow in the discipline of prayer, as well as in our trust in God. If you’ve been wanting to be involved in the Adult Sunday School class, this would be a great time to join at the beginning of a study that will last until Christmas. The Junior Senior High School Sunday School class is going to be studying a youth version of the same book starting next week, too. Sunday School starts at 9am!

Remember that Food Resource Bank plow day will be this coming Saturday at the Jim Schwoerer’s farm. There is food, and lots of chances to watch the antique tractors turn the ground. Make sure to come out and support this great cause.

The GLAPS Christmas Wreath fundraiser is ending next Sunday, October 28th! If you want to make an order, be sure to make plans to do this before then!

Next Sunday is our Potluck Sunday, so remember to make plans to share together in this time of fellowship after the worship service!

God bless,


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