Annual Meeting 2019
After two weeks of not being able to meet, we were finally able to have the blessing of being together yesterday for worship. We also had a great potluck dinner, followed by our annual congregational meeting. I am encouraged by what God has done and continues to do in our congregation. That is not to say that there aren’t challenges before us. I would encourage us to meet every challenge with faith that God will continue to provide for our needs as a congregation. We trust that he will be faithful to us in the same way that he has been in the past. The Scriptures show that the response that is the opposite of faith is fear. Our response to what God is doing will determine how useful we will be for his purposes.
During worship yesterday, we looked at Jesus’ proclaiming of the Kingdom of God in Mark 1. God’s Kingdom is where his will is done. As God’s people we are called to seek his will. Remember Jesus’ words: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:33-34, NIV 2011). We are called to seek God’s Kingdom first, and trust that he will then provide for us what we need.
I do want to say thank you for all of the kind words and actions that were sent to me and my family after my father, Dale Johnson, passed away last week. We will certainly miss him, but our sadness is tempered with the knowledge that Dad has been ready to go for some time. At 95, he lived much longer than he ever thought that he would. It has put me in a reflective mood, however. Dad was remarkable in so many ways, and it was encouraging to me to hear people talk about the incredible impact he had on so many. It’s a reminder to all of us of the importance of legacy. What influence are we having in people’s lives today that will make an eternal Kingdom difference?
Next week during our worship service we’ll be looking at Mark 2 and seeing the way that Jesus forgives sin. I really hope to see you there, and why don’t you think about bringing along a friend or a neighbor?
God bless, Brian