Uno Tournament 2019
While the weather wasn’t very cooperative, a good group came out to participate in this year’s Uno tournament. The competition was pretty fierce, and there was lots of laughter and fun to be had, as well as some good food and treats. Thanks to all who helped put on the tournament. Special thanks to Larry Timm who was our MC and referee!
We want to welcome Amber Brandt to our fellowship! She placed her membership with North Danvers Mennonite Church. When we affirm new members we recite the following together:
As we now receive you into the fellowship of the church,
we make this covenant with you
as we renew our own covenant with God:
to bear each others’ burdens,
to assist in times of need,
to share our gifts and possessions,
to forgive as Christ has forgiven us,
to support each other in joy and sorrow,
and in all things to work for the common good,
thus making known Christ's presence among us
to the glory of God
As we unite with each other now,
may we all be joined with Christ, our Lord.
It’s a good reminder of what it means to be the Church and of the responsibility we have toward one another. For example, we have several families and individuals who are facing difficult times right now. Let’s remember we are called to support one another. By the way, if you are interested in becoming a member, you can start by coming and talking with me.
Yesterday and next week are a kind of two-part sermon within the midst of our series on Mark. Yesterday’s sermon was titled “Jesus Calms the Storm” and reminded us that Jesus’ presence can give us peace in the midst of the storms we face. Next week the sermon is titled “Jesus Calms our Fears” and will be looking at the three stories in Mark 5. Do you ever feel like your situation is hopeless? This sermon will show that Jesus is able to respond with mercy to even the most hopeless cases.
Remember this coming Sunday is potluck Sunday. It would be a great week to invite a friend.
God bless, Brian