Holy Week 2019
It was quite an adventure getting to church yesterday with the snow. We still had a good turnout despite several people not making it due to the weather. I mentioned to several people we actually called off services last year on Palm Sunday because of snow. Last year Palm Sunday was in March, but strange to have snow two years in a row on Palm Sunday.
What a blessing to have Jaime Mailhot sing “Via Dolorosa” during yesterday’s service. In an emotionally moving way, it emphasized well the central point of the message. The chorus says:
Down the Via Dolorosa, called the
way of suffering,
Like a lamb came the Messiah,
Christ the King.
But He chose to walk that road
out of his love for you and me.
Down the Via Dolorosa, all the
Way to Calvary.
This week we remember Christ’s suffering and his death, but we remember it was out of his great love for us that he chose to walk that path. God loves you so incredibly much that his Son came to save us from sin and death.
Remember that Thursday night we will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall for our Maundy Thursday service at 6pm. We will have a light meal, and then we will join together in remembering the last Passover meal that Jesus ate with his disciples. The Good Friday service will be held at Carlock Christian Church at 7pm.
Next Sunday our service times are a bit different. We will be holding our Sunrise Service at 8:30am followed by our Fellowship Time, so there will be no Sunday School next week. Then our Worship Service at the normal time of 10:10am.
I hope and pray that this week you and your family remember again in a fresh way the good news that this week represents. Take time to share that good news with those around you and invite them to share with us in our special services this week.
God bless,