Pentecost 2019
North Danvers Mennonite Church had the privilege of hosting our Community Pentecost service yesterday. It’s always nice when we gather and fellowship with the other congregations in the area. Bill Dunbar gave a great presentation on the work of the Midwest Food Bank. What a remarkable organization!
Thanks to Rick Boschulte and others from the fellowship team who planned our church outing to the Menno Haven on Saturday. While there were only a few there, we had beautiful weather, and a fun time.
Friday night the AWW youth group gave a report of their trip to Chicago at the Carlock Mennonite Church. They had a great trip. They worked hard serving meals at the Pacific Garden Mission, and also had some fun with visiting Navy Pier and the zoo. It really seemed to be a trip that had a strong impact on the young people.
Remember that next Sunday will be our special music service. The worship team has been working hard to prepare it. I think you’ll find it to be a meaningful service.
We continue to think about and pray for the farmers who are working extra hard just now to get their crops in. We continue to pray for God’s provision.
Hope to see you Sunday and invite a friend!
God bless, Brian