Hanging of the Greens 2019
Advent begins next Sunday, so last night we gathered at the church building to decorate for the season. Over 50 people were here to decorate and fellowship. It was a great time that always helps me get into the Christmas spirit. A big thank you to those who coordinated the decorating, to those who directed the kids program, and to those who provided a meal. Thanks also to those came and decorated. As usual, many hands made light work, and the building looks great!
The Advent series this year is called “In Royal David’s City,” and will be focused on Bethlehem. Every year we sing “O Little Town of. Bethlehem,” and we hear the story from Luke 2, but we will be learning why this town played such an important place in God’s plan. We’ll even be seeing some pictures of Bethlehem today. I hope you’ll make a point to be here for services and this Is a great time of year to invite your friends and neighbors to join us for a service.
This Friday, there will be coffee and fellowship for anyone who wants to come. I know in the bulletin it said we would not be having it, but there is someone who is willing to make coffee for us, so come out and visit if you’d like.
Hope to see you Sunday!
God bless,