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Health Concerns

There is a pastor I know who serves at a Church which has an electronic, changeable sign in front of their building. He told me that he changed it this week to show one portion of James 4:8, “. . . Wash your hands, you sinners. . . .” That made me laugh, but it does speak to something that is utmost on many people’s minds—the coronavirus. At the end of the service I made a few suggestions, not only because of this virus, but also because we are in the middle of a cold and flu season that has seen the closing of schools in Kentucky, and concern from area hospitals and nursing homes.

Here are a few suggestions:

1) If you feel sick or are exhibiting signs of a cold, then do not feel that you have to attend services. This is one way to keep cold and flu from running through our church community.

2) Don’t feel like you have to shake hands. There are different ways that we can greet one another. Some have been using a fist bump for some time. Even a nod or a wave can be a good greet to your brother or sister in Christ. I will leave it to you, however, you are welcome to shake my hand, but I will not think differently if you choose not to. In the same way, don’t be offended if someone chooses not shake your hand. Use common sense if you’ve been traveling or in a large group.

3) We’ve had hand sanitizer at strategic places in the church building for over a year. Make sure to use them wisely. Also wash your hands frequently. Experts say that this is perhaps the most important step in prevention of the spread of disease.

4) Make sure to disinfect surfaces well. This includes in the kitchen and the tables in the Fellowship Hall area.

As is the case in other situations, I would encourage us to remember that we serve a God who calls us to trust in him and not submit to fear. We will do things that can help protect our community and one another, but we will also ultimately recognize that we place our trust in a God who is greater than our fears and who directs our path no matter what comes.

There was a really good turnout for the God’s Little Acre Preschool Sausage and Pancake breakfast last Saturday. The fund-raiser was a huge success. Thanks to all who made this important event happen. Our preschool is doing very well under the direction of Kelly Elgin, and we want to continue to support this important work.

I also want to call your attention to the book group which will be meeting twice. For the first time on March 22nd. Brenda Miller will be leading the discussions on the book, Falling Upward by Richard Rohr. I’ve read this book and think it is an important one that helps us think about how our faith affects our journey at various stages in our life. I’d encourage you to consider participating.

March 29th the AWW youth group will hosting a Trivia Night starting at 6pm. They would like to know if you are planning to attend. So you can talk to Joe and Emma or see Jesse and Amber here at NDMC.

I continue to pray for you all and our congregation. I hope that you’ll make sure to continuing praying for NDMC.

God bless,


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