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Striving for Simplicity

I want to say, “thank you,” for all who have expressed appreciation for the messages last week on the spiritual discipline of simplicity. This idea clearly has struck a nerve. I think because of how busy and fragmenting our lives have become, there are many who desire to live a simpler life. I mentioned a book by Richard Foster on simplicity yesterday. He has done a lot of thinking, writing, and speaking on this area in particular. There is a three-part video available on YouTube by Foster, for example. You can find it by clicking here. Foster really challenges our mindset at time, because we are so ingrained in a way of thinking that is about accumulating things for ourselves.

Remember that we will begin offering an opportunity for in-person worship beginning on July 5th. Please contact Cala Laible by July 1st to let her know if you are coming, how many of your family group will be there, and if you are willing to help with the service. We will be continuing to monitor to see if we need to make any changes in our approach. We plan to continue the live-streaming worship. Please pray for the congregation as we make the adjustments necessary to make this approach work for as many as possible.

Continue to have patience with one another and continue to actively practice kindness. I continue to pray that you are well.

God bless, Brian

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