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In-person Worship

Yesterday we resumed an in-person worship service. It had been 16 weeks since the last time we’d be able to meet together physically. Even with a small number and some different requirements, it was very nice to be together. Thanks to all who came yesterday and were very understanding. Thanks also to our volunteers who opened doors and helped out generally. It was so appreciated. I would encourage you to continue to practice patience with one another. Let’s continue to be kind to one another, and as Scripture teaches us, let’s continue to think about the needs of others ahead of our own.

We are asking for the next few weeks for you to continue to let us know if you are planning to come so that we can know how to plan for seating. If you could let Cala Laible know by Wednesday, July 8th, if you are planning to be there on Sunday, July 12th, that would help us out quite a bit. We are also including the Church Board’s last update in this E-gram again. I would encourage you to read through it carefully so you can know the current precautions we are taking. I want to be clear again, because there is a lot of information, disinformation, and contradictory information out there about COVID-19, the Church Board is taking a cautious stance. We would rather have an overabundance of caution and act in a safe manner for those who are most vulnerable, than to be lax in caution and have the possibility a more serious situation down the road.

It’s important to continue to pay attention to our publications like this one and are E-Bulletin on Thursdays. We are continuing to evaluate how things are going and things will likely change in the future. Pay close attention to find out what the latest plan is.I continue to pray for all of the members of the congregation. These are difficult times and we all need a bit more grace and a bit more of God’s love in our lives.

God bless,Brian

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