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Bearing Fruit in Every Good Work

During the worship service yesterday, we focused on Colossians 1:3-14. In this passage, Paul speaks of the way that the gospel is bearing fruit. It was certainly bearing fruit in Colossae, but Paul says it was doing the same in the whole world. Paul encouraged the Colossians Christians to be “bearing fruit in every good work,” (vs. 10).

At NDMC, there are a variety of ways we seek to live out this Scripture. As I mentioned yesterday, we partner with the MCC to produce school kits and hygiene kits. We also have folks who donate items—some of them handmade—to the relief sale each year. We reach out to others through short term mission trips. We provide meals to those who are hurting or unable to care for themselves. We provide rides for those who can’t get around on their own. I want to encourage us to continue to do these good works, but also to always be looking for other ways that we can lend a helping hand.

I also want to take a moment to say a big thank you to those who do so many things around the church building or connected to our worship service that are so necessary, but sometimes go unnoticed unless they are not done. There were some people sprucing up the landscaping this last week. There were people running the AV equipment not only for the worship service, but also for some extra services. There are people who were moving around the tables so we could be ready for the blood drive on Saturday, and then moved them again so we’d be prepared for the Celebration of Life service on Sunday. We had others who came and helped usher or serve at the Celebration of Life service. Thanks to you all, as well as the many other things that get done that I’ve forget to mention. You are all certainly bearing fruit in every good work.

Remember this week there is Coffee and Devotions Wednesday at 10am. We’ll have our normal coffee time Friday at from 8:30am. Father’s Day is this coming Sunday.

Hope to see you soon, and make sure you invite along a friend!

God bless,


Scripture readings for next Sunday Colossians 1:15-23—Why are these truths about Jesus important for our faith?

Genesis 1:24-31—How does the image of God relate to what we learn about Jesus in Colossians 1?

John 14:8-14—What is Jesus trying to express to his disciples in this passage?

Romans 5:1-11—How does reconciliation show itself in our lives?


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