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Beginning of Advent 2021

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and was able to spend some time with friends and family. In the sermon yesterday, I asked people some of their favorite holiday treats. Lots of sweets were mentioned! We eat lots of things this time of year that are special to this season. It’s part of what makes this season special.

There are also some songs and Scriptures that come around this time of year as well. It’s a way that we prepare ourselves spiritually. The Church has decided since ages past that there are some stories that are so important to our faith that we need to hear them again every year. The anticipation of the coming Messiah and his birth are important enough that we want to hear them again every year.

Our Advent messages this year are centered around a verse from one of Paul’s letters: “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone,” (Colossians 4:6, NIV). I’m challenging us all to commit this verse to memory. It is a good reminder of being thoughtful with our speech. As Christians, we have a great message that people need to hear right now maybe more than ever! But here’s my question for us—what message do people hear when they listen to us?

I know that there are also things that make this time of year especially difficult for some. I’m pray for God’s peace in your life and in your homes during this season.

God bless, Brian

Scripture readings for next Sunday Malachi 3:1-4—What do you think this passage has to do with love?

John 15:9-17—What is the connection between love and obedience?

Malachi 1:1-5—What is the image of love that the prophet uses here?

1 John 3:1-10—How would you describe the meaning of this passage?


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