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Being the Light

Advent begins in darkness, but ends with the coming of the Light. Isaiah 40 is a reminder to us that we need a Savior who would come to free people from darkness. The darkness of oppression and exile, but also the darkness of sin and waywardness. This year, more than any other, we need to continue to concentrate on ways that we can be people of the light. What can we do to bring peace? How can we act in kindness?

This coming Sunday, I will need to be in isolation prior to surgery on my left eye, so the message will be recorded ahead of time. Isaiah 61 will be our text. This is a message of promise. Verse 4 reads: “They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.” (Isaiah 61:4, NIV)

The promise is that God is going to renew the nation of Israel, and what has been destroyed will be rebuilt. I wonder if instead of focusing on preservation of what is, we need to trust God’s promise of restoration of those things that have been long lost. God is a rebuilder, a restorer, a renewer; and he calls his people to be the same.

Thank you for your prayers and concern about my eye issues. The first surgery seems to have been successful. I still need to be careful both of infection and also straining. I’m not yet allowed to lift much or do anything else that could cause my lens implant to shift. I recognize that I continue to find myself in a strange season, so I appreciate your consideration and understanding.

What is a way that you can particularly shine Christ’s light today? Who needs to hear a message of compassion from you this week? For whom would an act of kindness from you make all of the difference in the world? Let’s be light-bearers to those around us.

God bless, Brian

Scriptures for Next Week:

Isaiah 61—How does this passage describe our mission as God’s people?

Luke 4:14-30—Why do you think Jesus chose this passage to describe his mission?

Psalm 126—How would you put into words what the psalmist is describing here?

1 Thessalonians 5:12-28—Which of these commands is most important for you to hear in this time?


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