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Father’s Day 2021

I hope all of the Father’s out there had a good Father’s Day! I heard from some of you that there were special events planned. Maybe some cooking out, or a family get-together. Father’s Day is sometimes hard for those of us whose Dad’s have passed away. I know for some of you, this is the first Father’s Day without your Dad. It is a time I try to remember and appreciate the things that Dad did for me and taught me. Dad had a great sense of humor and never knew a stranger. As he got older, I can remember times we’d go to a mall and he would sit on one of the seats in the middle to wait for us. When we’d come back, he’d often been in deep conversation with someone. When he’d leave with us, we’d ask, “Who was that?” to which he’d reply, “I don’t know. Just met them.” There’s a lesson there about being friendly and spending time talking to others and learning their stories.

I was thinking about one of the supplementary Scriptures from yesterday’s sermon. Jesus said, “All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and no one knows who the Father is except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him,” (Luke 10:22, NIV). We are blessed that we have a Father who wants to know us so much that he sent his son so that we can have relationship with him.

Continue to pray for one another and to encourage one another!

Love you all. God bless,


Scriptures for next Sunday:

1 Corinthians 3—What do you think is signified by the image of a foundation?

Jeremiah 30:18-24—What is God promising Israel here?

Ephesians 2:11-22—In what way does Jesus “make peace”?

Revelation 7:9-17—How does it affect our faith that God is forming a people out of every nation, tribe, people, and language?


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