How Would you Answer?
I’ve been asking the questions: “why do you participate in the life of this congregation?” and “what can be found by participating in the life of the Church that can’t be found anywhere else?” If you’ve been thinking about this and have some answers for me, let me know. You can email me at, set up a time to talk to me face-to-face, or give me a call or text at 309-531-2520.
For me, at least part of the answer to the second question is related to our worship service yesterday which was centered around prayer. One of the characteristics of the age in which we live is a lack of connection with God and his transcendence. When we communicate with God regularly and intently, and when we watch to see the way he answers prayer it is a reminder that there is more than just this physical (immanent) world in which we live. The spiritual dimension to life that so many people still long for can be experienced in prayer. Further, when we silence ourselves and seek guidance and direction from God, we are again inviting a connection with him.
At the beginning of my sermon, I reminded us that prayer is a spiritual discipline. It’s a way that we position and prepare ourselves for God to transform us through the power of the Holy Spirit. This week is Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent. Every year I encourage you to use this as a specific time to prepare yourselves to celebrate the most important week on the calendar of a Christian—Holy Week. Lent is often thought of as a time to give something up. In this way we can walk alongside Christ as we are reminded of his much greater sacrifice. Perhaps it is also a good time to add a spiritual discipline. Maybe praying more regularly, or spending time in God’s Word more than we normally do. It might be making the decision to reach out more to people we know who may be experiencing loneliness, or deciding to serve others in a different way. I hope and pray that you’ll find a meaningful way to prepare to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus this season.
Who do you know that you might invite to our worship service? This is a time that people may be more open to thinking about things of eternal significance. Let’s all think about one or two people we can reach out to and invite to attend the worship service with you.
Hope to see you Sunday!
God bless, Brian
Scripture readings for next Sunday
Luke 14:25-35—Why do you think Jesus uses such strong language here?
Psalm 119:9-16—What does this passage say about having a single-minded devotion to God?
Matthew 12:46-50—What is Jesus teaching us about our relationship in Christ?
1 Corinthians 7:32-35—What point is Paul making about our family relationships?