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It’s Hot Out There

Be careful out there today with the heat warning in effect. Even walking out early this morning it was hot and humid. It’s definitely not a day to be working outside. So take care of yourself, stay hydrated, and try to avoid the heat as much as possible!

Yesterday’s Danvers Days worship service took place while the weather was still not too bad. Danver’s Baptist Church put on a nice service with a brunch and concert afterwards. I saw several of our members there at the service.

Remember that this week we’ll be back in the NDMC building with our worship service at 10am. Two more weeks and then we’ll resume our normal schedule of Sunday School at 9am, worship service at 10:10am with a time of fellowship following. The young people will also be filling school bags that Sunday as well. It’d be a great time to invite some friends and neighbors.

This Fall is going to be a bit different in terms of theme. We’ll be having two short series leading up to Thanksgiving and Advent. This Sunday we’ll start a series called, “Countdown” It will lead up to Kickoff Sunday.

Hope to see you Sunday!

God bless, Brian

Scriptures for next week

Luke 10:1-20—What lessons can we learn from Jesus’ commands to the 72?

Psalm 87—What is the point of this psalm? What does it teach us about God’s nature?

Acts 17:1-9—What does Paul’s example teach us about sharing the message of the kingdom?

Luke 14:15-24—What do you think is the point of Jesus’ parable here? What does it teach us?


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