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Starting the Year

We certainly didn’t plan on starting the year by being sick. It has seemed to put us behind on a lot of our plans for things we hoped to get done. We do appreciate all of the prayers and those who called or messaged to check in or sent cards. Thank you so much.

I also do want to say a belated thank you for the kind love offering that the people of NDMC shared with Josanne and me. Thank you so much for you generosity. Thanks also to those who gave us gifts, and food, and sent cards over the Christmas season and for my birthday. We are overwhelmed with the kindness that you all have shown to us.

How has your year started? What goals do you have for the year ahead? Many of us make promises to ourselves this time of year about our health—maybe eating healthier, or getting more exercise. Maybe there’s a skill that you are hoping to learn, so you’ve made the promise to yourself to practice, or maybe you are trying to get rid of a bad habit. Whatever goals you are setting for yourself, I would encourage you to think of your spiritual life as well. What discipline could you begin that would make a positive impact on your relationship with God? Maybe it’s reading the Bible more, or setting a regular time for silence and prayer. It’s important to think about our walk with Christ in this time of year as well.

I want to make sure to remind you of the annual meeting next week. If you’d like an absentee ballot, make sure to talk to Steve Eickhorst this week, so you can have it ahead of time.

God bless, Brian

Scripture readings for next Sunday Matthew 5:17-20—What do you think Jesus is saying about the Old Testament law here?

Deuteronomy 9:1-6—What does this passage teach about the righteousness of the people?

Matthew 9:9-13—What does this tell us about the righteousness of the Pharisees?

Psalm 1—How does this psalm contrast the ways of the righteous and the wicked?


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