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‘Twas the Week Before Christmas

I want to make a couple of reminders at the beginning of the E-Gram. Next Sunday is Christmas Eve, so we will not be having a Fellowship Time following the worship service. Instead, we will have a time of Fellowship during our normal Sunday School hour with our worship service following. So 9am for our Fellowship Time, with our Worship Service at our normal time of 10:10am.


Because Christmas day is on Monday there will be no E-Gram next week. Also, our Secretary, Terri Kelly, will not be in the office the week of Christmas, so if there’s anything that needs to be in the bulletin on either December 24th or 31st, make sure to get it to us in the office before Thursday, please.


Remember that Foods with Friends will be held this Thursday at the Presbyterian Church in Danvers from 5-7pm. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy a meal with others in the community!


Finally, we will be having our monthly potluck on December 31st following our worship service.


Whew! So much going on this time of year, and I know all of you have extra things going on with family and friends (maybe some last minute shopping). I do hope that we all take some time to quiet ourselves. To spend some time in prayer and in Bible reading. I hope that we will all also look for ways to help others in this time. As we saw yesterday, using our God-given gifts to help others is a sure way for us to experience joy in this season.


God bless and I hope to see you Sunday!



Scripture readings for next Sunday


Isaiah 63:7-12—How is God’s love being described in this passage?


Luke 2:1-21—How do you see love expressed in the story of Jesus’ birth?

Psalm 89:1-29—How does the psalmist express God’s love in this psalm?

Romans 5:1-11—What does it mean to you that God demonstrated his love as Paul says here?



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