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Windy Days

It’s a little windy out there today, huh? I’m not going to complain about the temperatures though, because I know in a few short weeks it will be much, much colder. I hope you have been able to enjoy the temperature despite the wind. Speaking of lots of wind, what do you think of all those political ads. . . Sorry, I couldn’t resist. These are some windy days, indeed!

It’s nice to see the harvest continuing to go so well. Several of our farmers are still in the fields, so let’s continue to pray for their safety. I’m so thankful for our farmers and what they mean to our community and to our country.

Mark November 13th on your calendars. We are planning a wiener roast on that day. The rest of the details will follow. Make plans to attend however, and also invite your friends and neighbors as well. It would be good to have a good turnout for this event.

We’re continuing in our series on Galatians next week. The sermon will be focused on the role of the Old Testament law in the life of the Christian. What does the law do for us, and what does the law not do for us?

I hope you are doing well!

God bless, Brian

Scripture readings for next Sunday Galatians 3—Why do you think the Galatians were tempted to return to the law?

Genesis 15:1-6—What does it mean that “Abraham believed and it was credited to him as righteousness?”

Romans 3:1-20—What does this passage tell us is the role of the law in the life of a Christian?

Leviticus 18—How does this chapter connected “life” with keeping the commandments?


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