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Honor Where Honor is Due

Several events took place this past weekend. We are thankful for so many who help good things happen. Thank you to those who organized the Dutch Market and those who baked. Special thanks go to Kathy Miller and Cala Laible for all of their hard work. Thank you so much. This fund-raiser was a rousing success raising over $4,000 for the work of the MCC. That’s amazing!

Thanks also to those who took part in the GLAPS preschool pancake and sausage breakfast. $2,300 was raised for the work of the preschool. That’s a great amount! Thanks for the many people who volunteered to accomplish that event. Your work is appreciated! I have also heard that both preschool classes are already full for next year! That’s amazing! Many young lives are being touched by that part of our ministry.

Last night’s vesper service was a blessing. Thank you to all who organized this event and to those who participated. It was so nice to hear both the men’s choir and the joint choir sing for us.

As I said in the sermon yesterday, I take prayer seriously. I believe that God hears our prayer, but I also recognize the truth that our prayers are not always answered as we would want. We continue to trust God’s goodness even in these cases. So I’ll remind you of Jesus’ words: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened,” (Matthew 7:7-8, NIV). There are so many situations and people who are in need of our prayer. Some situations are very close to home, while we also thing of the war in Ukraine and the many who are being affected by that. We pray for God’s peace there.

Let’s continue to pray together for these situations.

God bless, Brian

Scripture readings for next Sunday Matthew 7:13-23—What do you think Jesus is warning about?

Deuteronomy 18:17-22—How does the Bible help us discern which voices we should listen to?

Matthew 16:5-12—Why do you think Jesus warned his disciples against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees?

Revelation 16:12-16—What kind of false teaching is this a warning against?


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